What To Expect When Taking a Stress Test

Photo by Mike Cox on Unsplash

My cardiologist scheduled a stress test to understand what was making me so tired. My first thought was a side effect from medication. Google said it was a primary side effect. It was easy to blame the medication.

I went to the nuclear med lab. I received an IV. I went into a room with a bed, several computers and a treadmill. After removing my shirt, I was wired to an EKG. They measured my heart rate while seated and standing.

Then the torture began.

I was told I needed to go on the treadmill until my heart rate hit 142 beats per minute. Usually, this was not a big deal, but the same medication I thought was causing my fatigue also caused my heart rate to go down. My normal heart rate is around 70 beats per minute. With the medication, it was around 55. It was tough getting to 142, but I did it.

At 142 I was injected with a radioactive dye. This was to track the movement of my blood through my heart. They needed to know how my stents were doing. It was an odd sensation – it radiated heat through my body.

Next, I was ushered to an imaging room. They scanned my heart from the front and the back. That was not pleasant. I don’t normally lay on my stomach with my hands above my head. After the scanning was done, the ordeal was completed.

What to expect

This is what to expect during your stress test:

  • Be prepared to receive an IV port for the radioactive material. Drinking water ahead of time will keep you from being dehydrated. This will help with the IV.
  • Wear comfortable/workout clothes with walking shoes.
  • Wear a shirt that is loose or can be removed for the EKG.
  • Bring water for after the treadmill test.
  • Plan to be there for an hour.


A stress test is unpleasant, but it’s not the end of the world. Be prepared to take the test, and know what to expect, you’ll be fine.

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Published by Jeff Reynolds

Principal of Reynolds Consulting LLC.