The Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and How It Impacts Dementia

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia and is increasing worldwide. It has been associated with increased mortality, although it has seen increased longevity after diagnosis due to improved therapies and improved treatment of comorbidites. AF has also been associated with stroke. Stroke and Dementia One study revealed that “… In an analysis of …

Your Poor Sleep Habits Can Contribute to Dementia

Changes in sleep patterns are common in people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Sleep has an impact beyond sleepiness and drowsiness and can have an impact on your overall health. My personal experience I’ve had personal experience with this. My mother-in-law just recently retired (not of her own accord) at the age of 81. …

The Benefits of Ergonomics on Health and Business

Reduced costs: These include a 59% reduction of musculoskeletal disorders, a 75% average reduction in lost workdays, and another 50%+ reduction in restricted days. Worker’s compensation costs decrease by almost 70% and a 4 in 10 reduction in cost per claim. Improved productivity: Proper ergonomics improve productivity by removing excessive movement and encourage movement. The …